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Solar Power is the Fastest Growing Form of Electricity in the US

December 18, 2018

During the first quarter of 2018, the United States adopted solar power more than any other type of electricity. In fact, solar energy accounts for 55 percent of new electricity added across the country during this period of time. This is exciting news not only for our customers, but eco-friendly people all over the nation. Here are a few highlights from an informative article on Business Insider documenting this growth:

  • Exponential growth in the solar industry despite the 30% tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on foreign panel imports (that were later repealed).
  • Most new United States solar projects are introducing power to the country’s electrical grid.
  • In 2017, solar energy was the fastest-growing global electricity source.

Evidently, businesses are taking notice of the many benefits associated with going solar, almost all of which are long-term. Let’s examine why the impending solar energy revolution is poised to make such a positive impact on us as a society.

Collectively Reduced Carbon Footprint

As companies realize that solar power is here to stay, they may develop a deeper understanding of the benefits associated with switching over. For every company that joins the solar energy revolution, our collective carbon footprint is further reduced. Our goal at KB Racking is to help the world switch over to renewable, highly efficient solar energy solutions.The findings raised by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) are a clear indicator that we’re moving towards that goal! We believe that adoption rates will continue to climb as a result of the demand for renewable energy overtaking that for fossil fuels.

Reduced Expense

In 2017, the cost to produce a single megawatt-hour of electricity from solar power was approximately $50. This is significantly lower than the price of coal, which is $102. Businesses benefit as they're able to reduce electricity expenses, while meeting their needs with a high-quality solar solution. We have been handling severalprojects at KB Racking, with more companies wanting to implement solar mounting solutions that offer less budgetary strain, while maximizing savings long term.

Increased Potential for Businesses, Large and Small

Not only are businesses saving exponentially in energy-related expenses, but, at the same time, high-quality solutions from KB Racking are designed for low maintenance and last a long time.Businesses around the world of any size can take advantage of a reliable, renewable energy resource combined with reduced operating and repair costs by joining the solar energy revolution. If you’re ready to adopt a future-facing means of energy production, reach out to us. We can deliver a custom designed solution that will exceed expectations.